PHYS 3220 - Physics for Scientists II (Honors) - Spring 2019


Homework contains four categories of assignments: Reading Summaries, Questions, Problems, and Exercises.

Reading Summaries

Read the assigned material and write a brief summary of the important concepts in each reading assignment. Your summary could be schematic or in complete sentences. Turn in a copy of your summary and keep a copy of it for your reference.


Questions are meant to encourage you to explore topics in electricity and magnetism on your own while testing your understanding of the concepts learned. The answer to each question must be given in complete English sentences (in prose) and must contain complete references to resources used, which could be textbooks or reputable sources online or at the library. Your score is based on the depth, logic and clarity of your writing. (Depth is the complexity and profundity of your thoughts; logic is the adherence of your reasoning to strict principles of validity, and clarity is the quality of coherence and intelligibility of your writing.)


In the terminology of the Purcell & Morin textbook, Problems have solutions available in the textbook itself. You are to study and understand the solutions provided, with the goal of learning how to solve similar problems yourself (what makes two problems similar?), and you are to present the solutions in your own words. Your score is based on the logic and clarity of your writing, with extra credit given to solutions that are creative and alternative to those in the textbook.


In the terminology of the Purcell & Morin textbook, Exercises do not have solutions available in the textbook itself. You can discuss Exercises with any one you wish but you must write the solution on your own. Your score is based on the correctness of the solution and on the logic and clarity of your writing.

Regular homework

Each Reading Summary is worth 20 points. Each Question, Problem, and Exercise is worth 10 points. The basic guidance to receive full credit is that the solution submitted must be understandable of and by itself to someone knowledgable in the subject without any need to consult the text of the problem or guess the calculation and reasoning.

(Problems and Exercises numbered 1.1, 1.2, and so on, are in the Purcell and Morin textbook. Problems and Exercises numbered F1.1, F1.2, and so on, are in the Fowles textbook. Problems and Exercises numbered A.1, A.2, and so on, as well as Questions, numbered Q1.1, Q1.2, and so on, are in the Additional Questions and Problems collection.)

Extra homework

Extra homework can be turned in during any class of the semester (the last class is April 23, 2019). Questions, Problems, and Exercises can be chosen from those listed below. Each Question, Problem, or Exercise submitted as extra homework is worth 10 points. A list of recommended Questions, Problems, and Exercises is available at the bottom of this page.

(For technical reasons, the total number of points available for Extra Homework in Canvas shows as 0. This is needed for the final grade to be computed correctly.)

Acceptable Questions, Problems, and Exercises.

- All Questions in the Additional Questions and Problems collection that are not assigned in regular homework or exams.
- All Problems and Exercises in the Purcell & Morin textbook with two or more stars, if not assigned in regular homework or exams.
- In Fowles, Problems 1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.6, 2.14-2.17, 2.20, 2.23, 3.1-3.6, 5.1-5.14, 10.1-10.3, if not already assigned in regular homework or exams. Solutions to a few of the problems in Fowles are in the Additional Questions and Problems collection.

Recommended Questions, Problems, and Exercises.