// Enter speaker information here. The format is: // // ["Date","Name","Affiliation","Title","Abstract","Day","Time"] // // In the Abstract field you must escape double quotes (\"). Some HTML // is possible (like
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Unfortunately the theory at hand does not reproduce laboratory measurements beyond the order-of magnitude level. The key unknown is the physics and behavior of nanoclusters that are far more complex than a single molecule, yet not big enough to be considered solids (or liquids). In this talk I will focus on cosmic dust to introduce the theories of dust nucleation and formation. I will emphasize the major discrepancies between the model predictions and observations, underlying the need for a better understanding of the underlying physics. I will then discuss the various new ingredients that can be added to the theory to improve its performance and its ability to predict the properties and formation of nanoparticles. I will conclude by exploring the importance and ramifications of the knowledge that can be generated, ranging from everyday problems like rain and fog formation to the outstanding challenges of cosmology and climate change.","Ben Bromley","Special Day","10:30am"]; September[1]=["14","Christopher Savage","Utah","Neutrinos from Dark Matter Annihilation in the Sun","WIMPs, a candidate for dark matter, can be indirectly detected via a neutrino flux generated by WIMP annihilations in the Sun. In this talk, I review the process by which WIMPs become captured in stars, annihilate, and produce neutrinos detectable in experiments such as IceCube. I examine various issues that affect this process and the interpretation of experimental results. Finally, I discuss this indirect detection mechanism in the context of supersymmetric dark matter.","Local","",""]; September[2]=["21","Antonio Montero-Dorta","Utah","Characterization of Stellar Populations of BOSS Galaxies & Applications for an Optimized Spectroscopic Pipeline","The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS, Schlegel et al. 2009) is an SDSS-III dark energy experiment designed to measure the baryon acoustic oscillation signal in the large-scale galaxy correlations. The unprecedented large BOSS galaxy sample, with more than 1.5 million LRG targets, will also help us track the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the Universe. This talk is intended to provide a summary of my main research interests regarding BOSS. I will review what has been done so far to characterize BOSS stellar populations and study galaxy evolution. I will also present my own methodology for deriving spectro-photometric stellar masses and SPS parameters using the Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis code (FSPS, Conroy et al. 2009), including a comparison with previous approaches. Finally, I will use the last part of my talk to discuss future refinements to the BOSS spectroscopic pipeline, aimed at combining both spectroscopic and photometric information in order to improve redshift estimation. ","Local","",""]; September[3]=["28","Christian Reichardt","UC Berkeley","Beyond LambdaCDM -- What Measurements of the CMB Damping Tail Tell Us about Neutrinos and the Early Universe","The fine-scale temperature anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is a powerful tool for cosmology, encoding the history of the Universe from big-bang nucleosynthesis to structure formation. Order of magnitude improvements in sensitivity are finally opening up this rich new field, as evidenced by recent 'firsts' from the South Pole Telescope (SPT). These include the first galaxy cluster catalog selected by the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect and the first constraints on the cosmic ionization history at all redshift. I will discuss what we are learning from the SPT survey, focusing on new CMB power spectrum results for the full SPT survey. These results include the best constraints from the CMB on the number of neutrino species, early dark energy, and the spectrum of primordial anisotropies sourced by inflation. I will also preview future results from the new polarization sensitive camera mounted on the SPT this winter.","Kyle Dawson","",""]; October[0]=["5","Luis Ho","Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science","Nuclear Activity in Nearby Galaxies: Insights on Accretion Physics and Jet Formation","TBD","Anil Seth","",""]; //October[1]=["12","","","","","","Fall Break",""]; October[1]=["19","Mark den Brok","Utah","Stellar Populations and Dynamics of Small Stellar Systems","Dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) are the most numerous galaxies in clusters. Observations of these gas-poor, smooth-looking small galaxies can help us to constrain the relative importance of environmental processes,such as harassment and ram-pressure stripping, which are thought to be responsible for removing their gas and altering their structure. In the first part of this talk, I will present results on the stellar population gradients and structure of dEs in the Coma cluster, using high-spatial resolution imaging data of the HST/ACS Coma Cluster Treasury Survey. Almost all dwarf galaxies in the Coma cluster exhibit nuclear star clusters, which were shown to follow scaling relations similar to supermassive black holes in more massive elliptical galaxies. I will review their possible origins and show what constraints the Coma ACS data provide on formation scenarios. In the second part of the talk, I will present results on the internal dynamics of nearby (Local Group) objects for which we developed a new analysis method based on discrete kinematic tracers. Applications of this method include proper modeling of interloper stars and chemical tagging, which in some cases is essential to avoid biased results. Time permitting, I will discuss the results of applying our fitting method to the globular cluster M15, which confirms the technical feasibility of discrete fitting and provides strong constraints on the dark central mass.","Local","",""]; October[2]=["19","Pierre Sokolsky","Utah","The Trouble with Cosmic Rays","The composition of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) is crucial in determining the orgin and nature of this radiation (the highest energy radiation in the cosmos). New results from the Telescope Array Experiment and the Pierre Auger Experiment as well as important data from the LHC are helping to clarify this issue. Important disagreements and puzzles remain, however. I will review HiRes, TA and Auger composition data and comparisons with hadronic models and briefly discuss the impact of the LHC experiments on cosmic ray physics and vice-versa.","Local","Special Time and Place","3:30pm, INSCC Auditorium"]; October[3]=["26","Matt Walker","Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics","Toward a Definitive Test of the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) Paradigm","It is widely recognized that CDM cosmological simulations successfully reproduce the universe's large-scale structure as inferred from redshift surveys and observations of galaxy clusters, but encounter difficulties at smaller scales characteristic of individual galaxies. Specifically, simulations produce more `sub-halos' around a Milky-Way-like galaxy than are actually observed as Milky Way satellites (the 'missing satellites' problem), and the dark matter is distributed nearer the centers of simulated halos than is inferred from the kinematics of real galaxies (the 'core/cusp' problem). Yet it is unclear whether such discrepancies indicate genuine falsification the CDM hypothesis or merely failure of current simulations to portray what actually happens in a CDM universe. Indeed large uncertainties regarding the influence of 'sub-grid' baryon-physical processes on CDM halo structure inhibit the ability of simulations to make predictions about galactic structure; this circumstance is now cited by CDM's critics and defenders alike. I will discuss how a comprehensive consideration of the Galactic halo as a closed system with fixed energy budget enables a test of CDM on galactic scales regardless of the details of baryon physics.","Anil Seth","",""]; November[0]=["2","Chris Kelso","Utah","Toward A Consistent Picture For CRESST, CoGeNT and DAMA","Three dark matter direct detection experiments (DAMA/LIBRA, CoGeNT, and CRESST-II) have each reported signals which resemble that predicted for a dark matter particle with a mass of roughly 10 GeV. I will compare the signals of these experiments and discuss whether they can be explained by a single species of dark matter particle, without conflicting with the constraints of other experiments. I will show that the spectrum of events reported by CoGeNT and CRESST-II are consistent with each other and with the constraints from CDMS-II, although some tension with xenon-based experiments remains. Similarly, the modulation signals reported by DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT appear to be compatible, although the corresponding amplitude of the observed modulations are a factor of at least a few higher than would be naively expected, based on the event spectra reported by CoGeNT and CRESST-II. I will also discuss some ways that this apparent discrepancy could potentially be resolved.","Local","",""]; November[1]=["9","Ian Roederer","Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science","Rare Elements, Old Stars, A Common Anomaly, and U","Understanding the origin of the elements is one of the major challenges in modern astrophysics. Did you know, for example, that the heavy element uranium can only be produced by one nucleosynthesis process, the r-process, yet after half a century astronomers still lack a definitive association of this process with an astrophysical site? I have made it my goal to improve the state of observations of r-process material in other stars. I will highlight recent success at detecting previously-undetected elements in ancient halo stars using the Hubble Space Telescope. I will also point out yet another way that globular clusters are not simple stellar populations. This particular chemical anomaly has the potential to probe the early epochs of globular cluster formation in a new way and pinpoint one major site of r-process nucleosynthesis.","Inese Ivans / Bayard Stringer","",""]; November[2]=["16","Jason Dexter","UC Berkeley","Imaging a Black Hole Shadow with the Event Horizon Telescope","In 1973, Jim Bardeen calculated that a black hole should cast a shadow more than twice the size of its event horizon, and imaging the immediate surroundings of a black hole has been a goal of astrophysics ever since. Ongoing very long baseline interferometry observations at millimeter wavelengths are on the cusp of realizing this goal by leveraging radio dishes across the world to form an Event Horizon Telescope. These observations will allow the precise study of accretion & outflows and probe general relativity in the strong field regime. The two most promising targets are the Galactic center black hole candidate, Sagittarius A*, and M87, known for its kiloparsec-scale jet; and event horizon scale structure has been detected in both sources. Maximizing the science return on the observations requires detailed theoretical modeling of the accretion flows in both sources, and this problem is especially well suited to contemporary numerical simulations. I will discuss black hole images, light curves, and spectra calculated from simulations and their comparison with current data. The models are in excellent agreement with observations, and already constrain the properties of the black hole and its accretion flow. The black hole shadow may be accessible within the next 5-10 years, and its detection would constitute the first direct evidence for an event horizon in the Universe.","Anil Seth","",""]; //November[3]=["23","","","","","","Thanksgiving",""]; November[3]=["30","Michael Cooper","UC Irvine","Survey Science at z < 2: Understanding the Dominant Modes of Galaxy Evolution","Evolution in the global galaxy population over the past 10 Gyr has been dominated by two principal trends: a dramatic decline in the average level of star-formation activity combined with a substantial growth in the stellar mass density within the red galaxy population. While both of these evolutionary trends are well measured at z < 2, the physical mechanisms responsible remain somewhat poorly understood. Using data from the DEEP2 and DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Surveys in concert with complementary observations spanning UV to radio wavelengths, I will present recent results that directly constrain the physical processes driving the global transformation in galaxy properties at z < 2. In particular, I will discuss ongoing work to probe the cold gas component of star-forming galaxies at high redshift, which is providing direct constraints on the fuel supply for star formation when the Universe was less than half its current age. Finally, I will conclude by outlining the limitations of the current data sets and how they might be overcome with future ground- and space-based facilities.","Anil Seth","",""]; December[0]=["7","Subo Dong","Institute for Advanced Study","Exoplanet Population: Census & Demographic Analysis","In the last two decades, exoplanet hunters have expanded into the 'Wild West' of planet discoveries, revealing surprisingly diverse exoplanet systems. Time has come for rigorous statistics inference on planet population and understanding the physics behind the emerging patterns in their distribution. I will discuss our works on exploring the demography of extrasolar planet systems. Microlensing is uniquely sensitive to 'cold' planets, and it allowed us to measure planet frequency beyond the 'snow line' for the first time. Kepler mission has made orders-of-magnitude leaps in detecting planets within ~1 AU and has also discovered hundreds of multiple-planet systems. We have developed a statistical framework in analysing the Kepler planet distribution. After planets are formed, dynamical processes may leave strong imprints on the planet architecture, and in particular, close-in Jupiters may have migrated to their current locations on highly-eccentric orbits. We show that the predictions of such 'high-e' mechanisms can be tested by Kepler, radial velocity and direct-imaging surveys.","Zheng Zheng","",""]; //December[1]=["14","","","","","","",""]; January[0]=["11","John Carlstrom","Univ. of Chicago","New Cosmology Results from the South Pole Telescope","Over the last decades measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) on large angular scales have revealed a great deal about the fundamental workings of the universe, leading to a standard cosmological model. With the 10 meter South Pole Telescope (SPT), we are now testing this model by making increasingly sensitive measurements of the CMB polarization and its fine angular scale anisotropy to investigate the new physics the model requires, such as Inflation, dark matter and dark energy, as well pushing at the boundaries of the model. Our newest results provide increased precision on inflationary parameters and constraints on the number of relativistic species, as well as improvements in the standard cosmological parameters. We are now probing the emergence and evolution of structure in the universe through the subtle, small-angular scale distortions they impart on the background, such as gravitational lensing from the mass in the universe and the scattering from ionized gas (the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects). These measurements provide further tests of the cosmological model and unique constraints on the dark energy equation of state and the reionization of the universe. This talk will review the newest results from the South Pole Telescope, and expectations for the future.","Kyle Dawson","",""]; January[1]=["18","Christy Tremonti","Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison","Galactic Superwinds","A key question in astrophysics is how the formation of stars is regulated. Several decades ago it was recognized that supernovae and massive star winds could provide a source of negative `feedback' by reheating the cold interstellar medium and physically removing gas from galaxies. More recently, theorists have postulated that black holes provide an additional source of feedback. Our best empirical constraints on the feedback process come from studying its most dramatic manifestations: galactic-scale gaseous outflows or `galactic winds'. I will present results from two recent absorption line studies of galactic winds that probe very different star formation regimes. In the first study, we focus on outflows associated with normal star forming disk galaxies at z~0.1. In the second study, we consider a sample of extreme objects: massive z~0.5 galaxies that recently experienced a strong burst of star formation.","Kyle Dawson","Special Place!","JFB 206"]; January[2]=["25","Jason X. Prochaska","UC Santa Cruz","Quasars Probing Quasars","I will discuss the Quasars Probing Quasars survey which is a spectroscopic campaign of close, z>2 quasar pairs discovered in SDSS, BOSS, and dedicated follow-up programs. Emphasis of this talk will be on using these pairs to study the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of the massive z~2 galaxies 'tagged' by an active quasar. The results constrain the processes of inflow and outflow onto these massive galaxies, formation scenarios for the intragroup medium, and models for the radiative emission (and feedback effects) of bright AGN.","Kyle Dawson","",""]; February[0]=["1","Kevin Covey","Lowell Observatory","Measuring Stellar Kinematics in the Youngest Clusters with APOGEE"," Demographic studies of stellar clusters indicate that relatively few persist as bound structures for 100 Myrs or longer. If cluster dispersal is a 'violent' process, it could strongly influence the formation and early evolution of stellar binaries and planetary systems; unfortunately, measuring the dynamical state of 'typical' (n~1000-10,000) young clusters has been difficult, particularly for clusters still embedded within their parental molecular cloud. The APOGEE near-infrared spectrograph, which can measure precise radial velocities for 230 stars simultaneously, is uniquely suited to diagnosing the dynamics of Galactic star formation regions. I will describe our APOGEE ancillary science program, which is carrying out a comparative study of two young clusters in the Perseus molecular cloud. These observations appear to disfavor a significantly super-virial velocity dispersion in the optically revealed cluster IC 348, contrary to predictions of models where a cluster's dynamics is strongly influenced by the dispersal of its primordial gas.","Anil Seth","",""]; February[1]=["8","David Hogg","New York Univ.","Exoplanets Are Hard to Find.","I describe some of the methods we are using to find elusive exoplanets, in imaging and spectroscopic data, with a focus on the data and inference challenges. I will show some results in direct imaging, transit, and radial-velocity surveys. I will also discuss how we might try to understand the properties of exoplanets too small or faint to observe individually at high signal-to-noise.","Adam Bolton","",""]; //February[2]=["15","Philipp Kronberg","LANL / Univ. of Toronto","TBD","TBD","Gordon Thomson","Special Time","11:00am"]; February[2]=["15","Andres Munoz-Jaramillo","Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics","Solar Cycle Propagation, Memory, and Prediction: Insights from a Century of Magnetic Proxies","The solar cycle and its associated magnetic activity are the main drivers behind changes in the interplanetary environment and the Earth's upper atmosphere (commonly referred to as space weather). These changes have a direct impact on the lifetime of space-based assets and can create hazards to astronauts in space. In recent years there has been an effort to develop accurate solar cycle predictions (with aims at predicting the long-term evolution of space weather), leading to nearly a hundred widely spread predictions for the amplitude of solar cycle 24. One of the major contributors to this disagreement is the lack of direct long-term databases covering different components of the solar magnetic field (as we only have systematic measurements of the solar magnetic field for the last 40 years). In this talk I will start with an overview of the solar magnetic cycle and the kind of observations that are necessary for understanding its long-term variability. I will then discuss the different observations that can be used as proxies for the solar magnetic field (in absence of direct magnetic observations). I will present a recently standardized database that can be used as a proxy for the evolution of the polar magnetic field. And to conclude, I will show the insights that can be gained by taking advantage of this database in the context of our understanding of the solar cycle and the practical goal of solar cycle prediction.","","",""]; February[3]=["22","Savvas Koushiappas","Brown Univ.","Joint dataset analysis and indirect detection dark matter constraints","I will discuss recent work on statistical methods that can be used to test the hypothesis of extremely faint dark matter signals contained in gamma-ray data. I will also discuss recent results on searches for dark matter annihilation emission from dwarf galaxies using data from Fermi as well give an overview of the current state of the field and the future of indirect detection efforts.","Pearl Sandick","",""]; March[0]=["1","Adam Myers","Univ. of Wyoming","The Distribution of Distant Black Holes and Conditions in the Primordial Universe","Quasars are distant active galaxies driven by super-massive central black holes. Because they shine on characteristic timescales of millions of years, quasars may be the most luminous long-lived sources at almost every epoch in the history of the cosmos. Over the last decade, deep, wide-area optical imaging surveys have greatly inflated the numbers of known quasars, ushering in the era of quasar cosmology. Physical processes early in cosmic history leave imprints on the expanding Universe when matter and radiation cease to be equivalent. These initial conditions result in structural signatures that are imprinted on the universe on very large scales. Because quasars are relatively abundant, and are easy to observe over extremely large volumes, they are novel probes of such signatures. I will discuss how we are using the largest quasar map ever constructed, drawn from Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging over one-third of the entire sky, to probe non-Gaussian initial conditions in the primordial Universe.","Kyle Dawson","",""]; March[1]=["1","Philipp Kronberg","Univ. of Toronto, LANL","A new analysis of the UHECR sky, and comments on likely acceleration sites","A multi-parameter analysis of the UHECR sky is described, which can analyse energy-species-direction data from AUGER, HiRes, TA, and their successors. As a specific example, I show how the strength (>20nG) and structure of the B_IGM is now approximately constrained out to D ~ 5Mpc. These are the first VHECR sky-based probes of B_IGM on nearby supra-galactic scales. They are important for understanding and modeling VHECR/UHECR propagation at greater distances. CR Acceleration to the highest energies is a probably naturally associated with Supermassive Black Hole(SMBH)-associated jets and lobes. I briefly describe what we know about electrodynamic configurations in these systems as they apply to UHECR acceleration. I also describe the most direct estimate of an extragalactic Poynting flux-associated current, ~3x10^18 Amperes --- for the 3C303 extragalactic jet. This number can be connected directly to SMBH accretion disk physics. I describe the observational 'parameter space' needed to make more such measurements, and I demonstrate with 3C303 why measurements are currently challenged at EVLA resolution scales. The once-proposed EVLA extension to several hundred kilometers would better probe the magneto-plasma parameters of VHECR/UHECR acceleration in jets.","Gordon Thomson","Special Time","3pm, INSCC 345"]; March[2]=["8","Connie Rockosi","UC Santa Cruz","Progress and prospects for reading the fossil record of galaxy formation in the distant halo of our Galaxy","The cosmological context for galaxy formation predicts that galaxies form inside-out through hierarchical accretion of systems that add gas, stars and dark matter to a growing galaxy. I will discuss recent observational tests of those predictions by measuring the density, kinematics and chemical abundances of stars in our Galaxy's halo. New large-scale spectroscopic, imaging and astrometric surveys on the horizon make this an exciting field now and in the future.","Inese Ivans / Bayard Stringer","",""]; March[3]=["18-22","SnowPAC 2013","special HEAP","Black Hole Fingerprints: Dynamics, Disruptions and Demographics","More Information at SnowPAC 2013 Webpage","Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Univ. of Utah","",""]; March[4]=["19","Jessie Shelton","Harvard Univ.","Exotic Higgs Decays: Searches and Challenges at the LHC","The Higgs boson is one of the most sensitive windows onto physics beyond the standard model. The extreme narrowness of a 125 GeV Higgs means that even very small couplings to new physics can yield appreciable exotic branching fractions. I'll talk about the special challenges posed by exotic Higgs decays, present a systematic approach to these signatures, and discuss one particular class of semi-invisible decays in some detail.","Pearl Sandick","Special Day and Place","11:00am, 219 JFB"]; March[5]=["29","Jason Kumar","Univ. of Hawaii","Complementary Approaches to Dark Matter Searches","We consider the impact of relaxing some typical assumptions about dark matter interactions, including isospin-invariance, elastic scattering and contact interactions. We show that detection strategies with neutrino detectors, gamma-ray searches, new direct detection experiments and collider searches can all provide complementary information. We argue that data from many such strategies may be necessary to gain a more complete understanding of dark matter interactions.","Pearl Sandick","Special Place","INSCC Auditorium"]; April[0]=["5","David Weinberg","Ohio State Univ.","Measuring the Accelerating Universe: Challenges and Opportunities","The remarkable discovery of cosmic acceleration poses two fundamental questions. (1) Does acceleration reflect the presence of a new energy component or the breakdown of General Relativity on cosmological scales? (2) If acceleration is caused by a new energy component, is it constant in space and time as expected for fundamental vacuum energy, or does it show evolution or spatial variations that imply a dynamical field? I will briefly review the current state of the field, in light of recent results from the Planck CMB satellite and the BOSS survey. The goal of future experiments is to measure the history of cosmic expansion and the history of structure growth with sub-percent precision over a wide range of redshift. I will discuss some of the challenges in controlling systematic uncertainties at these demanding levels and identify opportunities where methodological improvements could sharpen the measurements and increase sensitivity. I will summarize plans for the next generation of dark energy experiments, with particular attention to the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), expected to begin operation in the early 2020s.","Zheng Zheng","",""]; April[1]=["12","Raja Guhathakurta","UC Santa Cruz","The Andromeda Galaxy: Hierarchical Galaxy Formation, Stellar Populations, and the Interstellar Medium","The Andromeda galaxy (M31) is effectively three laboratories rolled into one. First, it offers us a close-up view of hiearchical galaxy formation. Second, having a large group of stars, all at roughly the same distance from us, is ideal for stellar population studies. Third, some of this starlight shines through interstellar dust and gas. I will present the latest results from the decade-long SPLASH (Spectroscopic and Photometric Landscape of Andromeda's Stellar Halo) survey. Topics will include: dwarf satellite galaxies, a recent merger event, the ensemble of accreted satellites, chemical abundance patterns, stellar 'thermometry', and ionized gas kinematics.","Anil Seth","",""]; April[2]=["19","Scott Gaudi","Ohio State Univ.","Exoplanet Demographics with WFIRST","Measurements of the demographics of exoplanets over a broad range of planet and host star properties provide fundamental empirical constraints on theories of planet formation and evolution. Because of its unique sensitivity to low-mass, long-period, and free-floating planets, microlensing is an essential complement to our arsenal of planet detection methods. I motivate microlensing surveys for exoplanets, and in particular describe how they can be used to test the currently-favored paradigm for planet formation, as well as inform our understanding of the frequency and potential habitability of low-mass planets located in the habitable zones of their host stars. I explain why a space-based mission such as WFIRST is necessary to realize the full potential of microlensing, and outline the expected returns of such surveys. When combined with the results from complementary surveys such as Kepler, WFIRST will yield a nearly complete picture of the demographics of planetary systems throughout the Galaxy.","Zheng Zheng","",""]; May[0]=["10","Rajan Gupta","Los Alamos National Laboratory","Exploring TeV Scale Physics in Decays of (Ultra)Cold Neutrons","Possible novel scalar and tensor interactions at the TeV scale lead to observable consequences in the decay distribution of neutrons. Such high precision experiments complement direct searches at the LHC. The biggest uncertainty in interpreting current proposed experiments and bounding the scale of these new interactions is the calculation of the scalar and tensor charges of the nucleon. This talk will motivate the physics and describe the status of lattice QCD calculations being done to calculate these charges with the desired precision.","Carleton DeTar","",""]